As promised here’s the translated review of the Cons CTS. Thanks to Tim Weissberg for having a look at grammar and spelling and to Jürgen Blümlein (MadeForSkate) for the layout. MFS_SHOE_REVIEW_CTS_ENG_HIGHRES Check out the Cons CTS at ARROW&BEAST ARROW&BEAST Cons CTS
As already mentioned before, I did a review of the Converse Chuck Taylor Skate for the German skateboard magazine “Place” . The January issue drops tomorrow. If you are capable of understanding German, have a look at it: PDF-file: MFS_SHOE_REVIEW_CTS For a list of places where you can get the complete current Place issue, please…
I just finished a review for the German Place Magazine about the Converse Chuck Taylor Skate. It will be published in the January issue as a part of the MADE FOR SKATE Shoe reviews that will be featured in the mag every 2 months from now on.