Here it is, the extended English version of the Nike SB Salazar review. Thanks to Tim Weissberg for the correction, to Jürgen Blümlein ( for the Layout and to the Nike SB guys Kaspar, Bjorn and Agra for the test samples and for inviting me to the weartest event! High Quality PDF file: MFS_SHOE_REVIEW_NIKE_SB_SALAZAR_ENG_WEB
Place Magazine #22 which features my review about the Nike SB Salazar is slowly arriving at better skateshops and various news stands. I got my personal copy last saturday and it looks great, keep up the good work Benni, Sebi and Holger! The extended English version will be posted at the end of May. Photo…
Last Thursday I was invited to the launch event of the Omar Salazar pro model by Nike SB in Amsterdam. The invitation came kind of out of the blue, I got a call a week before from Pascal Schmidt who takes care of Nike SB in Germany if I wanted to come and of course…
I just received a pair of the Nike SB Salazar that I will test for the next MadeForSkate review in the German Place Skateboarding Magazine. As always, I will publish a translated version in English shortly after the German version is published.